Healing with second skin
Second Skin is an adhesive, medical grade sheet that is placed over your new tattoo .
These are medical grade bandages and provide a protective waterproof barrier from germs, bacteria, dirt or sweat and allow oxygen to pass through and heal your ink, while locking in your body's natural moisture. Your second skin will prevent the risk of damaging your tattoo from rubbing it against your clothing or other surfaces.
You should leave your second skin on between 4 to 7 days.
However, if you notice any leaking ink or blood, or rips in the bandage, take it off as soon as possible. Second Skin is meant to keep bacteria out of your fresh tattoo, it can also trap bacteria in if it is not completely sealed. You can follow the next steps as normal, even if you have to remove your Second Skin early.
You will want to remove your second skin in a warm shower.
Start at a top corner and get some unscented soap under it. Start at one of the corners and pull it towards your skin, in the same motion you would remove a command strip. Don’t pull it away from you, or rip it off like a bandaid.
Warm water is best for a healing tattoo.
Super hot water can cause unsettled ink to leak out prematurely. Gently rinse in warm water, but don't soak for an extended amount of time.
Do not submerge your tattoo in the bathtub, pools, hot tubs, lakes, the ocean or any body of water for two weeks.
Submerging your tattoo in water can cause the ink to spread underneath the skin which will cause lines to look thicker, messier, and blown out. It will also allow any bacteria in the water to get trapped in your tattoo and can cause infections.
Once the second skin is removed, GENTLY wash your tattoo with unscented soap.
(I prefer Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. You can find it here.) Do not use a loofah, washcloth, or anything abrasive over the tattooed area for the next two weeks, until the tattoo is fully healed. Gently using your hand works just fine! DO NOT use any products with artificial scents, it can potentially infect the tattoo.
After removal and washing
You may pat (DON’T RUB!) your tattoo dry with a clean, dry towel or paper towel, or you can let it air dry. If you choose to air dry, only give it a few minutes, and avoid touching the tattoo or brushing it against any clothing, furniture and especially pets.
Use aquaphor or A&D ointment for the next 2 days.
DO NOT smother it! A thin layer that lightly, but completely covers the tattooed area is enough. You want it to be absorbed quickly and not stay shiny throughout the entire day.
*Please do not substitute Vaseline for Aquaphor. Vaseline is 100% petroleum jelly, and does not allow your tattoo to breathe. It will trap in moisture and heat, and prevent your tattoo from healing properly. Aquaphor is a blend of petroleum, minerals and oils, has inflammatory properties and allows your skin to breathe.
Do not touch your tattoo with dirty hands.
Our hands carry a LOT of bacteria, and if they’re not freshly washed before touching your tattoo, you could get an infection.
Please keep your new tattoo out of direct sunlight for the next two weeks!
Do not use sunscreen on your tattoo while it is still healing! You will need to wait at least two weeks before applying sunsreen.
DO NOT wear any tight clothing around your new tattoo.
Tight clothing can rub your tattoo and irritate the skin, which could lead to a poorly healed tattoo. Wear something looser fitting for the first week of healing.
We love pets in this house, but please keep your pets away from your tattoo until it is fully healed.
Our pets also carry a lot of bacteria, so if your fuzzy (or furless, we love them all) friend brushes against your tattoo or you pet them, then touch your tattoo, make sure you wash it.
Try not to itch or touch your tattoo while it is healing. NO PICKING at your tattoo while it is healing!
Remeber, your fresh tattoo is an open wound and have a high risk of infection the first 7-10 days.